About us
1988 » 2024
For over 35 years now, SunChrom has stood for reliable and professional service in the field of chromatography.
SunChrom was founded in January 1988, initially under the name Spark Deutschland GmbH.
The primary task was to establish a service and sales network in Germany as the exclusive sales partner for the autosamplers and column ovens manufactured by Spark Holland. Thanks to the numerous customer contacts, Spark Germany was increasingly perceived as a competent partner for the entire field of chromatography, in addition to questions relating to the Spark equipment line.
As a result, the demand for other HPLC components as well as for special solutions and special developments increased. Consistently building on this demand, the company worked on establishing its own HPLC line.
This goal was finally achieved in 1995 and resulted in the change of name from Spark Deutschland to SunChrom - Wissenschaftliche Geräte GmbH.
Who and what is SunChrom?
SunChrom is a universal supplier in the field of chromatography. In the course of SunChrom's development, the following focal points have crystallized.
Service: All around the product range of Spark, SunChrom and other third-party suppliers.
Beverage analysis: Here it is particularly the wine and sparkling wine industry in which SunChrom is strong. The Profilyzer system for the determination of sugar and alcohol, specifically and currently residual alcohol determination in alcohol-free wines/sparkling wines as well as the organic acid screening system for the determination of all relevant organic acids and the TitroLyzer systems for the quantification of total acidity, SO2 in bound and free form as well as reductones are fixed and accepted parameters in the market.
MALDI sample preparation: SunChrom has been developing and building sample preparation devices for MALDI-MS for around 20 years: for the coating of tissue sections very effectively with MALDI matrices up to a crystal size of 130nm; for the detection of certain bacteria and fungi with the Bruker biotyper, a contact free (CF) spotter is also offered, where the sample is first decomposed with formic acid and then coated with MALDI matrix in a second pass. This sample preparation is extremely fast at approx. 1 second per sample/spot. A built-in fan then ensures efficient and rapid drying of the spots.
In addition, SunChrom offers a very efficient MALDI spotter as an interface between liquid chromatography (HPLC) and MALDI-MS for sample quantities down to a few nanoliters. Finally, SunDigest always ensures optimal conditions for trypsin digestion of the proteins; either in a spot or on a tissue section.